Annual Fees
Our annual fee is $270 and covers the period from March 1 to the end of February. The fee is due by March 31st of the year in which it has been assessed. Invoices are mailed via Canada Post in March. Reminder notices are issued via email and regular mail.
Annual fees fund operations for the year, including general upkeep and ongoing maintenance of common spaces and landscaping enhancements throughout the community of Wentworth. Collecting funds from all residents by the end of March ensures the Association has the funds necessary to cover its expenses which are mostly incurred during the growing season.
Homeowners are required to pay their annual fees by the payment deadline of March 31st as to avoid late fees. A $50 per month late fee will be applied to accounts outstanding past the payment deadline. There are significant costs associated with pursuing overdue accounts. These costs will now be incurred by the late paying homeowners and not those members who paid on time.
Fee Payment
Homeowners may pay their $270 annual fee using one of the following three methods:
Annual fees may be paid via e-Transfer to:
IMPORTANT: Please note the address of the account to which the payment is to be applied as well as the owner’s name(s) and email address in the comments section of the e-transfer. Including these details ensures the payment can be correctly recorded.
Payment can be made via cheque or bank draft payable to the Wentworth Residents’ Association and submitted as follows:
- Drop it at the West Springs Digital Post location (beside Tim Hortons) in an envelope addressed to:
The Wentworth Residents’ Association, Suite 101
- Mail it to the:
Wentworth Residents’ Association
406, 917 – 85 Street SW, Suite 101
Calgary, Alberta T3H 5Z9
IMPORTANT: On the memo line of your cheque (or on an accompanying piece of paper), please note the address to which the payment is to be applied as well as the owner’s name(s) and email address. Including these details ensures the payment can be correctly recorded.
Fee Collection Process
If fees remain outstanding after the March 31st deadline, a reminder notice will be issued in early May with a firm payment deadline of May 31st. A $50 per month late fee will be applied to accounts outstanding past the payment deadline. Accounts that remain unpaid as of June 1st will be forwarded to the Association’s lawyer for collection.
The annual fee is pursuant to the encumbrance registered on the title of many residential properties in Wentworth. It is a mandatory fee that must be paid by home and condominium owners that have the encumbrance registered on their title. As per the encumbrance, any and all legal costs (which are significant) associated with recovering outstanding fees become the responsibility of the homeowner listed on the property’s title.
If your account has been sent to the Association’s lawyer for collections, you must pay the lawyer directly as outlined in the correspondence received. If any payment are sent directly to the Association, once the account has turned over to the Association’s lawyer, they will be forwarded to the lawyer. Payments received will also be applied to the oldest charges on the account first.
For more information about a specific property, please send us an email.